Words to the Wine: Part Three

Yet MORE twinkling English dialect words that might invigorate the tedious repetitions and formulations of wine-tasting descriptions.

I’m not saying that they are remotely appropriate or that you have to use them, but if you feel like seasoning your prose with some rough-hewn local lingo then feel free to Borrow to your heart’s content.

Rayner (verb) – to praise the food in a restaurant and then to damn same restaurant for its natural wine offering.

Bakelite – a wine from a warm climate that is neither too jammy nor too fresh

Bosa-nova – the Brazilian version of Beaujolais nouveau

Byssaceous – a wine with fine threads of acidity and tannin in its warp and weft

Calix – a jocular name for a wine glass as in, “prithee! fill my calix, stout yeoman-somm”.

Anglogoggles – the current Panglossian view of the English wine industry in which the press views its increasing size rather than increasing quality as a cause for celebration.

Jurassic – the state of ossification that occurs when you have served on far too many wine juries.

China syndrome – the meltdown of wine journalism in trade magazines wherein every news story must necessarily be viewed through the prism of the Chinese wine market.

Logomancy – the art and science of choosing a meaningful brand image to romanticise a country’s winemaking culture.

Centaphoria – the joyous realisation that every vintage is – and always will be – the vintage of the century

Schiller – an erudite way of describe the bronze hue of skin contact wines

Peignoir – an excruciatingly expensive red Burgundy

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